Make a circuit that turns on something when it becomes dark in its surroundings. [Arduino allowed. You may use wires coming from Arduino going to your PCB]

I don't want to use Arduino! in fact, I want to learn how to replace Arduino to make personalized board for each future project.


when it gets dark, photoresists input a different voltage into the chip, and based on the code I wrote, it can therefore output/change led using PWM.

I use ATMega 328p to replace the functions of Arduino:

I did this simply based on how the man connected the atmega328p onto bread board

I did this simply based on how the man connected the atmega328p onto bread board

截屏2021-11-18 上午4.47.03.png

截屏2021-11-18 上午5.49.41.png

截屏2021-11-18 下午12.23.12.png


so hard finding the usb to ttl converter chip!!!

CP2102 / FT232RL

I choose CP2102 because I can only find the schematic for this chip😢

截屏2021-11-28 下午9.26.15.png

截屏2021-11-28 下午9.25.48.png