1. Make hand sketches of imagined hybrid objects.

The hybrid object I am imagining is a transformation of the sense of touch, more specifically the pain and its following physiological reaction. I have been looking into the dominatrix and BDSM lately which is very related to my thesis.

What is BDSM:




An Interview With A Dominatrix | Ministry Of

An Interview With A Dominatrix | Ministry Of

The fact that humans can conflate pleasure and pain or derive pleasure from pain is very interesting to me, so I did some research on what a dominatrix is actually doing and why some people are able to enjoy BDSM experience in different ways.

What does a dominatrix do? Professional dominatrixes describe their jobs as:

A dominatrix plays out a fetish scenario as the top. Someone who controls the situation or orchestrates it or is the puppet master within these confines of someone else's desires.

We're creating scenes for people to play our their fantasies.

Why do some people enjoy BDSM?

These seem to have given me so many directions to explore in this topic, such as power/control, manipulation, the state of euphoria, consensus in a relationship, etc. In order to narrow the scope, I decided to focus on the pain-as-pleasure aspect. Because compared to others, that is the most relative one to my initial intention.

Pain as Pleasure

The physiology changes in your brain when in pain helps regulate your perception of pain, and this also happens when your brain is responding to extreme exercise which is called the runner's high. People often describe this mental state as euphoria - a sense of extreme joy and delight.