I want to document:

  1. Some flowers from bud to blossom to withered.
  2. My food from raw to cooked, e.g. steak.


Just as 3D printing is a portal connection real world from digital world, 3D Scanning is the portal connecting real world to digital world.

What's the point of scanning a non-artifact?

If it is about recording, archiving, what's the difference from taking a series of photos?

How can I manipulate 3d models in the digital world differently compared to the physical world?

Manipulating 4 dimensions? 3D + time.


scale, only able to scan big scale things

accuracy, no accuracy🤪

no time, no entrance allowance

Polycam - LiDAR 3D Scanner

Ghost forest resurrection

what if I can resurrect those bold trees in the digital world

Maya Lin: Ghost Forest - Madison Square Park Conservancy
