@Bob Fu I'd encourage to keep your experiment going and update

Use one single tubing to weave the whole bag

Weaving ways: crossing,

Instead of using water to soften the reed, i need to use hair dryer to heat up the PVC tubings.

How to weave a decorative band in the Rigid Heddle Loom

Since tubing test material gathering took a lot of time, I first made a traditional basket using reeds.






As a first time weaver, and with no ddl(since this is made after the ddl), I felt really relieved while weaving manually. Under and over, under and over. This repetitive process is really satisfying.

Tests for weaving tubing

5/32 ID, 7/32 OD tubing weaving result:

Some of the tubings are bending too hard that water cannot pass easily.

Some of the tubings are bending too hard that water cannot pass easily.


One color seperated by air

One color seperated by air

I changed to 1/8 ID, 1/4 OD tubing for a smaller bending radius.
