WatchOut Bird Alert

Bird Alert IR sensor video.mp4

live recording IR sensor

For this assignment, I worked with an infrared sensor that I connected to arduino and used the reading to see proximity. The goal from creating this is for having a siren or noise go out to alert birds when they're too close from my glass windows/doors.

Hundreds of birds die after crashing into New York City glass towers. Hundreds of birds migrating over New York City have died after crashing into the city's glass buildings.

'Overwhelming': hundreds of migrating birds die after crashing into NYC glass towers

So I decided to create this sensor that alerts birds before they crash.

Sending a sound signal at an assigned proximity, which will hopefully scare them away before collision.

Avian hearing is most sensitive to sounds from about 1 to 4 kHz, although they can hear higher and lower frequencies.

I did a couple of experiments trying to:

1- connect an LCD screen to Arduino Uno





2- connect a PIR sensor