Use an input device outdoors to convert (transduce) a signal in one form of energy to a signal in another. Completely analog solutions (without arduino/computers etc.) are encouraged.

Optional: Connect this converted signal to your previous assignment (output devices)

Untouchable Machine

This week I spent most of my time working on struggling with my thesis work - an intelligent machine that can drink (alcohol) with you.

I came up with this idea - a person gets drunk after consuming too much alcohol and begins to act strangely, which can not be understood by the machine this person is drinking with.

Making Process

Input Devices:

Output Devices:


Activate this machine with a finger snap

Here I first used the Teachable Machine to train a model that was able to recognize the sound of my finger snaps. Then I wrote a simple p5 script that had the model embedded to control(play/pause) a video showing on the screen.

Teachable Machine.MOV
